
Hanging out with Jenn yesterday was possibly the best thing I could have done for my sanity. I got to be MYSELF. Wear my rainbow clothes. Put my hat and glasses on. Hang on her shoulder and giggle at silly words. Drive for hours in a car that wastes gas. Spend money I dont have. Barely scrape by. We talked for what felt like hours and hours and hours. I can get lost, completely lost in a conversation with her. Not worry about being judged "Silly" or "annoying'.
For me, that's rare lately.
I mean, I cut my hair for gods sake. On a whim. Because I was with her.
Ahahahahaha. Weird! old friends are cool.


  1. I wish I could find a person like that =s

  2. Last night, my friend Kato was over, and we spent a good ten minutes talking about bathroom functions. Mainly pooping. And you wouldn't normally think so, but it was pretty fun. Maybe just because it was funny. I never could have had conversations like that with Stacey. I always felt like I had to be serious in front of her.

    It's nice to just be able to be yourself. It's nice to be able to joke-pick-your-nose and talk in stupid voices and be silly.

