
I wonder if either of these two people in this picture remember this day. I honestly remember this day as the day the breaking point of my highschool life. Cindy and I started to hang out more. Jenn and I started to hang out less. I honestly think this was the last time Jared and I ever hung out willingly. That bracelet on my wrist? Jenn's mom gave it to me for Christmas.
This picture single handedly sums up the worst few months of my life. Finding someone to truthfully understand my quirks, habits, and the things I thought to be fun. I was a writer, a reader. I liked food, I liked sunshine, I liked the rain, and I liked to work.
Over the months though, hanging out with Cindy changed me. I turned into this... weight obsessed, fashion craving person I didn't even know. Suddenly, I knew who was who and what went where. The only problem was I couldn't FIT into this lifestyle. And by fit, I mean, I'm a size 14 jean. How many charlotte rousse's do you know carry that size? Yeah. Exactly. My looks became the sole purpose of my life. I worked out obsessivly, I stopped eating the food I loved. I stopped sleeping as much and I started to hate work more then usual.
I'm not going to lie, I like a part of the person I am now. I like that I know what looks good with what. I like that I have my own personal style (however 'old lady' some people might think it is). But I don't like who I am.
That's another story, though. For another time.

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