
I had the single worst and best night of my life last night, and its not for the reasons you would imagine.
Instead of waiting around for a text message that was never going to come I called Jenn and for the first time in a long time actually hung out past ten. All was going well until a friend of ours called us to tell us she had stolen someone's shit and pawned it off for drug money. This all brought life to a fabulous conclusion to me (no wonder I don't leave my house past nine.) but to Jenn it seemed to only upset her further. They have a lot of history there, and Jenn has never been the kind who could just let go.
We were followed by a red blazer in circles the whole way through marysville. I mean we were really really followed. At one point the guy even turned OFF his lights and drove that way behind us.
We finally just said fuck it and went to giant to load up on redbull and shit. But by that time the night was ruined and things were being said by other parties that made us think a little too much for our own good.
Even my lame attemps at enjoying my time are going haywire. Thank goodness for Rachel and Kelly. If it wasn't for either of them last night I would have taken the jump off of sanity and landed myself in a mental home.
Nevermind that I was worried fucking sick that Amanda's mom had found us out. Her friend must be sick of me by now. In the end, that's not what happened. I'm not even sure what happened. Things are really bad for a minute then they're okay, and then I get another text that says "dont call or text until further notice." And of course OF COURSE my head goes "welp. that's the end of that. her mom found out and I am soooooooooo history." So I guess we're back on the up and down rollercoaster. Not like I mind.
Well, look. It's almost time for me to go to work and pretend that life isn't bigger then I am. Oh how easy it would be.

1 comment:

  1. drugs = :|

    and you have to hide your relationship from her mom/parents? blech. I don't think I'd be able to deal with the secrecy thing.

