
I love pictures of pictures and things that are infinate. Like pictures of double mirrors and living on forever. Please don't ask me to explain.
Cindy and I might have to grow up pretty soon, which is kind of funny and scary at the same time. How do you even grow up? Just decide one day, "Oh, I'm done being a kid, childish things are sooo behind me."
Fuck. That. And fuck you if you've already done that. I will not live my life without the childish things I love. I will wear rainbow hearts in my hair until I'm 80, and let me tell you, I'll be the single hottest bitch at the lesbian old folks home. (cause by that time, it'll exist.) Bring on the neon green wheelchairs, and sneaking liquor into my orange juice.
Work today.

1 comment:

  1. you're gonna be a cool old lady.

    I've decided that I'm never gonna get old. it's not that I'm gonna die young, I'm just going to eventually stop aging altogether and defy the laws of physics.
    they'll be all like "wtf are you doing?" and I'll say "psh, talk to the hand."
    and that's that.

